The algorithm of preparation for PMP Exam (cheap & fast)


You will have to do a lot of hard work to pass the PMP exam. None of the training systems can guarantee passing the exam. You will be one-on-one with a testing computer in the examination room. Only you and your knowledge! Notes, books, smartphones, friends, and so on are prohibited by exam rules.

If you are not ready to seriously work on your future, it is better not to read further information and not waste your time!

The algorithm of preparation for PMP Exam
(using KnowledgeMap service, PMI PMBOK Guide and PMP Exam Prep book)

# Action Cost
1. Download the copy of PMP Handbook from the PMI website. Read it from cover to cover. While reading you will find PMP Eligibility Requirements, and if you found that you don’t fit this requirements, stop the further preparation and spend some more time of your life to meet certain educational and professional experience requirements or try to prepare for CAPM Exam. $0.00
2. Register at PMI website and became a PMI member to have possibility to download the PMBOK free and take discount for exam payment. $139.00
3. Download the PMBOK Guide. Read only chapters 1, 2, 3 and appendix X3. PMBOK has very difficult turn of phrase. So, do not try to read it at a whack. -$65.95 (saving for PMI member)
4. Register on the KnowledgeMap. Pass the preliminary test and create your KnowledgeMap scorecard. $0.00
 5. Analyze your scorecard by knowledge areas. It is good if you have more than 70% for some knowledge areas, so you can gain time do not reading relevant PMBOK chapters. $0.00
6. Read the PMBOK chapter for knowledge area you have lowest score. Buy and pass relevant exam on KnowledgeMap. From $2.10 to $4.35 (depends of exam)
7. After passing the exam, create your new KnowledgeMap. Do the actions 6 and 7 for all knowledge areas you have score below 70%. From $0.00 to $30.00 (depends of quantity)
8. Fill and submit the PMP Application on the PMI website. Complete other formal PMI procedures – payment (exam fee) and audit (if you are not lucky).
If you do not have enough hours of formal education required by PMI, you can download a certificate from the KnowledgeMap website and add the hours to your application as contact hours provided by distance-learning companies, including the end-of-course assessment (type E in PMP Handbook). You can collect up to 13 contact hours by passing mock exams at KnowledgeMap.
-150$ (saving for PMI member)
From -130$ to -1300$ (saving on extra trainings for 13 hours)
9. Read the Part 2 of PMBOK. Create and analyze your KnowledgeMap scorecard by process groups. It is good if you have more than 80% for some PMBOK process groups. $0.00
10. Buy and pass exams for all process groups you have score below 80%.
Do the action 11 during the passing exams.
From $2.40 to $9.00 (depends of exam)
Total – from $0.00 to $30.00 (depends of quantity)
11. Buy the Rita Mulcahy “PMP Exam Prep” book, which is easy to read. While you are reading, do the action 10 during the reading. From $60.00 (used or new)
12. On the KnowledgeMap website, create a pool of your hardest questions and analyze every of them. You must understand every questions of mock exams. If not, find the relevant information in PMBOK, PMP Exam Prep or other sources. $0.00
13. Buy and pass a PMP Mock Exam. Formally, you must reach only 61%, but you should reach 80% on mock exams to guarantee the real PMP exam passing. $30.00
14. Schedule a date of PMP Exam and Good Luck! $0.00
Total expense From $634 to $724
Total savings From $346 to $1516

Download this algorithm in the PDF file.


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