Learning the Program Life Cycle

Programs operate similarly to projects in that they have defined objectives, deliver benefits, and are eventually closed; however, programs involve orchestrating and sequencing multiple components beyond individual project levels. The activities within the program life cycle are tailored to the specific program type, often starting before funding approval or the assignment of a program manager, requiring significant effort before formal definition and approval.

Throughout program delivery, components are authorized, planned, executed, and benefits are realized. Program closure is approved by the steering committee upon benefit realization or a decision that aligns with the organization’s strategy.

Please note: Read The Standard for Program Management from the beginning to section 4.2 “Program Definition Phase Activities” before starting to learn these phases.

Programs, often spanning extended timeframes, follow a consistent trajectory, implementing five core phases for successful benefit delivery:

  • Program Definition Phase. Program activities conducted to authorize the program and develop the program management plan or roadmap required to achieve the expected results.
  • Program Delivery Phase. Program activities performed to produce the intended results of each component in accordance with the program management plan or roadmap.
  • Program Closure Phase. Program activities necessary to retire or transition program benefits to a sustaining organization and formally close the program in a controlled manner.

NOTE: Merely practicing question answering won’t suffice for PgMP exam preparation. Questions are meant for self-assessment and acquainting yourself with exam question types. Concentrate on effective study methods such as reading The Standard for Program Management, utilizing various learning resources like books, videos, mock exams, reviewing Knowledge Maps, and addressing gaps in your program management expertise.

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