Now it’s time to consolidate your knowledge by passing the mock exam (the next task in your schedule)!
NOTE: Simply practicing questions is not enough to prepare for the PMI-CP™ exam. The practice questions are meant to help you assess your knowledge and familiarize yourself with the exam format. Focus your study efforts on reading PMI Guides and other relevant books, watching educational videos, taking mock exams, reviewing your Knowledge Map, and filling gaps in your understanding of agile principles and techniques. PMI also recommends a wide range of resources to help you prepare for the exam.
Help Your Colleagues Become PMI-CP!
Share any books, videos, articles, or tutorials that help prepare for the PMI-CP™ Certification in the comments below.
I am thrilled to announce that I have earned my PMP certification from the Project Management Institute!
This achievement enhances my expertise as a project manager. It equips me with globally recognized tools and methodologies for effectively leading complex projects, improving team collaboration, and delivering impactful results in the humanitarian sector.
This milestone would not have been possible without the incredible support of my family, especially my amazing wife, Yuliia.
A big thank you to Anatolii Savin and KnowledgeMap for providing an excellent preparation course tailored to professionals with tight schedules like mine.
I am also deeply grateful to my colleagues at UNHCR for their constant encouragement and understanding.
Finally, a special thanks to my English tutor for the excellent preparation for this exam.