2.10. Manage project changes

Manage Project Changes Task includes the following enablers:

  • Anticipate and embrace the need for change (e.g., follow change management practices)
  • Determine strategy to handle change
  • Execute change management strategy according to the methodology
  • Determine a change response to move the project forward

To learn the Manage Project Changes Task you need:

  1. In the PMBOK Guide 7th Edition, read chapters 3.5, 3.11, 3.12 (part ‘Standard’) and 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 4.2 (part ‘PMBOK’).
  2. Read chapters 1.2, 7.2, 9 (Approved change requests, Change log, Change management plan, Change requests, Configuration management plan, Cost baseline, Requirements management plan, Schedule baseline, Scope baseline, Verified deliverables), and 10 (Change control tools, Claims administration) in the Process Groups: A Practice Guide.
  3. Read chapter 6 in the Agile Practice Guide.
  4. Watch and read an appropriate visual on PMIllustrated.com.
  5. Watch the video:

6. Test your knowledge to complete the study of the task.

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