RMP Certification Process

With your advanced skills in risk management, you perform a specialized function attuned to the needs of a project environment that is increasingly global, virtual and complex.

The PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP) highlights your ability to identify and assess project risks, mitigate threats and capitalize on opportunities. In this capacity, you enhance and protect the needs of your organization.

Gaining distinction as a PMI-RMP sets you apart from other professionals and brings credit to your organization. Eighty-three percent of organizations that are high performers in project management practice risk management frequently while just 49 percent of low performers do so. The practice contributes to a handsome payoff: high performers meet their goals 2.5 times more often and waste 13 times less money than low performers, as found by PMI 2015 Pulse of the Profession report.

If you’re ready for greater recognition, the PMI-RMP will validate your specialized expertise and help you stand out to employers, stakeholders and peers.

You can find official information about PMP certification on the PMI website – PMI.org/certifications/Risk-Management-RMP.

Also you can find the information about the certification in this videos:


You need to work really hard to pass the RMP exam. Unfortunately, none of the training systems can guarantee a positive result. You will stay alone with a questionary in the examination room. Only you and your knowledge could help! All the notes, books, smartphone(s), or friend’s help will be left outside because it’s prohibited by the exam rules.

If you are not ready to make a significant effort for your future and demonstrating an insufficient commitment, it’s highly recommended to postpone the preparation. Do not waste your time and money.

A RMP certification requires you to meet the experience and educational levels before you apply. You will need to provide the details of this experience and education, so it’s best to gather and prepare this information before you open the application.

Prerequisites for RMP certification

  • Secondary degree (high school diploma, associate’s degree, or the global equivalent)
  • 36 months of project risk management experience within the last 5 years
  • 40 hours of project risk management education


  • Four-year degree (bachelor’s degree or the global equivalent)
  • 24 months of project risk management experience within the last 5 years
  • 30 hours of project risk management education

If you don’t have a certificate for 40 hours of project risk management education, you can generate one on KnowledgeMap:

To find out all the details about the RMP eligibility requirements, consult the RMP Handbook.

Help your mates to become RMPs!

Write your comment below if you know the books, videos, articles, and tutorials, which help to meet the RMP eligibility criteria and pass the application process.

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