Yaroslav Synko, PfMP

My PfMP Journey: Overcoming Challenges with Support and Determination

I’m thrilled to share my experience and the lessons I learned while passing the PfMP® exam. As I reflect on this intense yet rewarding journey, I am excited to offer insights that may help others in their pursuit of this valuable certification.

Application Process

The entire cycle, from deciding to pursue the PfMP certification to sitting for the exam, took 12 months, with about 6-7 months of active preparation. The remaining time was spent on annual portfolio updates and other commitments, during which I could study only sporadically. Understanding my peak workload, I strategically divided the preparation into stages.

The application process took about 2 months. One of the most challenging aspects was selecting the appropriate portfolios and describing my experience according to PMI’s requirements. However, I passed the panel review on the first attempt thanks to Anatolii Savin perfectionism and meticulous guidance.

Preparation and Study Plan

The intensive active preparation took about 4 months. For my preparation, I relied exclusively on PMI Standards and Anatolii Savin system, KnowledgeMap. The user-friendly KnowledgeMap system was packed with current, well-organized information, making my preparation process smooth. I am proud to have contributed, even if just a little, to the development of the system’s content.

During this period, I was also fortunate to receive valuable support from Alexander Timoshenko, who provided critical insights and feedback that greatly contributed to my readiness.

Exam Experience

The exam itself was as challenging as I had anticipated, but my preparation paid off. I achieved “Above Target” scores in 4 out of 5 domains and “Target” in one domain, which I consider a strong result. The questions were primarily situational, requiring a deep understanding of portfolio management processes and tools. Although a few unexpected questions tested my adaptability, I was well-prepared to tackle even the most complex scenarios.

Gratitude and Acknowledgments

This achievement would not have been possible without the unwavering support of Anatolii Savin, whom I highly recommend to anyone preparing for PfMP and other certification exams. I am also deeply grateful to my colleagues and friends. Alexander Timoshenko significantly supported me in the preparation phase, while Dmitry K. and Yuriy Kurlyanchyk provided continuous encouragement and support throughout the entire portfolio management journey.

Final Thoughts

The PfMP program demands not only deep knowledge but also strategic thinking. This process has helped me strengthen my professional skills and broaden my perspective. I strongly encourage all professionals seeking to elevate their expertise and capabilities in portfolio management to consider this certification.

Wishing everyone the best of luck on this exciting path!

Link to the original post: linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7228386702216556544