Learn About Collaboration

Collaboration Performance Domain creates and maintains synergy across stakeholders, both internal and external, to optimize benefits delivery and realization.

Note: This domain is not included in the PgMP Exam Content Outline but is included in The Standard for Program Management – Fifth Edition. Therefore, it is recommended to study it to better prepare for the PgMP exam.

The Collaboration domain includes:

  • Collaboration Factors Impacting Program Success
  • Collaboration for Benefits and Value Delivery Planning
  • Program Components and Activities Collaboration
  • Interactions with Program Management Principles and Other Program Management Performance Domains

To gain a comprehensive understanding of Collaboration, consider the following steps:

  1. Review Chapter 2.3 ‘Synergy‘ within the Standard for Program Management.
  2. Dive into Chapter 3.6, titled ‘Collaboration,’ within the Standard for Program Management.
  3. Enhance your knowledge by purchasing any book focused on PgMP preparation and reading the chapters specifically dedicated to Collaboration.
  4. Test your knowledge to complete the Collaboration domain study.

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Share your recommendations on effective ways to learn about the Collaboration domain, whether through books, videos, articles, tutorials, or other resources, in the comments below.