3.2. Implement and Manage the Change Order Process effectively and deliver project benefits and value

To learn about the Implement and Manage the Change Order Process Effectively and Deliver Project Benefits and Value task, we recommend exploring the following PMI resources and books:

  • PMBOK® Guide (7th Edition):
    • Change Control and Configuration Management: The chapter on Integration Management includes processes for managing change, including the Change Control process. This section provides a structured approach to handling change requests (change orders) and ensuring they align with project objectives and benefits.
    • Benefits Realization: Discusses how to ensure that the change order process contributes to the overall delivery of project benefits and value.
  • PMI’s Managing Change in Organizations: A Practice Guide: This guide provides detailed strategies for managing change effectively within organizations, including the processes for implementing and controlling change orders in a way that aligns with the delivery of project benefits and value.

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