A risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on one or more program objectives. Risks can have both positive and negative impacts on programs. Negative risks, often referred to as threats, affect the implementation of programs and realization of benefits. Positive risks, usually referred to as opportunities, help foster effective, efficient program implementation and increased realization of benefits.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the Risk principle, consider the following steps:
- Dive into Chapter 2.7, titled ‘Risk,’ within the Standard for Program Management.
- Enhance your knowledge by purchasing any book focused on PgMP preparation and reading the chapters specifically dedicated to the program risks.
- Explore instructional videos on this topic:
4. Test your knowledge to complete the Risk principle study.
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Share your recommendations on effective ways to learn about the Risk principle, whether through books, videos, articles, tutorials, or other resources, in the comments below.