If you work with project teams and manage requirements or product development, or if you’re a project or program manager who performs business analysis in your role, then the PMI-PBA certification is right for you.
Business analysis is a topic of growing importance to projects and programs. The marketplace reflects this importance, as practitioners increasingly embrace business analysis as a technique for uncovering business needs, managing requirements, and creating effective solutions to business problems. The PMI-PBA certification recognizes an individual’s expertise in business analysis, and using these tools and techniques to improve the overall success of projects.
In addition, the PMI-PBA certification carries a high level of professional credibility. It requires a combination of business analysis training, experience working on projects, and examination on business analysis principles, practices, tools, and techniques. This global certification also supports individuals in meeting the needs of organizations that rely on business analysis practitioners to play key roles on their teams.
The PBA preparation course consists of the following phases:
How does KnowledgeMap work?
Take a free preliminary test
Get an individual training schedule and complete tasks
Buy micro-exams and take proof testing
Take the exam at an official certification center

Reviews about the KnowledgeMap
The KnowledgeMap has trained more than 30 specialists who have successfully passed the certification exam.

Oleksandr Khorunzhykevych, PMP

Benefits for Users
KnowledgeMap helps to spot knowledge gaps, tracks exam readiness, and improves learning your.
You can create your own preparation schedule tied to real calendar dates
KnowledgeMap tracks the dynamics of your knowledge development, solve procrastination, and could say "You are ready to pass your exam!"